Recommended Books |
“The Scientific
approach is not to modify the empirical facts to fit one’s theory, rather the
theory must be adapted to fit the results of empirical inquiry. Otherwise it
would be like trying to reshape one’s feet to fit the shoes.”
By His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
School life is one of the most beautiful
phases in our life. In fact, is a period of learning and training our minds in
all the aspects of the future developments and help to build a strong
foundations, even my school life helped me to prepare a firm foundations upon
which to build my life is going to be erected. I was really privileged being
met so many resourceful teachers in my school days, somehow some were always
not qualified as per our interests. When I was in class eight, I met a science
teacher named Gen Migmar Tsering, TCV Suja during my junior year of school. I
was really impressed by his keen interest and desire to teach the students and
his mentally preparation before our lessons were going to start. His
determination and penchant towards challenges makes him ideal for many students
and he has helped me to develop my interest in Science and Technology when I
was not enough to mature about my goals and objectives.
Later on the famous TCVian science teacher Sir
Grover, TCV Upper. A great lecturer, who was so popular in the minds and mouths
of every student during my high school days. It seems he has never had a day
when he woke up feeling like he didn’t want to go to school and continue those
heavy physics fundamental principles. He even does not waste a single minute
during the course of the period in class room if I am not exaggerated. Of course! The four years of my Engineering ends with better versions of my life and I don't have any comments on those great professors like Dr. H. Kumar, Dr. R.K. Tiwari and professor Mukesh Thite. They are simply great and international level.
Black Hole |
Ever since I’ve graduated, I was always
fascinated by the scientific term "Black Hole" even during my high
school days. I thought it was a situation where the pitch was completely dark
and jet black. I was never satisfied with what I had received the information
and knowledge from books and teachers, since we have our own syllabus and
courses to wind up within limited period of time.
As time passed, I started browsing;
visiting different websites and reading books on universe and science fiction.
More the less, I came to know that "Black holes" is one of the most
highly searched terms about our universe. Falling into a black hole has become
one of the horrors of science fiction. In fact, black holes can now be said to
be really matters of science fact rather than science fiction.
Of course! Where science fiction writers
really go to town is on what happens if you do fall in a black hole. If you
jump into a black hole, you will get torn apart and crushed out of existence.
Although the concept of what we now call a black holes goes back more than two
hundred years.
As far as I read, the first person to discuss
black hole was a Cambridge man called John Michel. He wrote a paper about
velocity conception. His idea was, suppose you fire a cannon-ball vertically
upwards from the surface of the earth. As it goes up, it will be slowed down by
the effect of gravity. Eventually, it will stop going up and will fall back to
earth. If it started with more than a certain critical speed; however, it would
never stop rising and fall back but would continue to move away. This critical
speed is called the Escape Velocity. This means that gravity doesn't have much
effect on light; light can escape without difficulty from the sun.
Speed of Light |
According to Einstein's General Theory of
Relativity, space and time together can be regarded as forming a
four-dimensional space called Space-Time. In a nutshell, Einstein’s special
theory of relativity implies that, while the speed of light is invariable,
there is no absolute privileged frame of reference, and everything including
space and time is ultimately relative which was what exactly His Holiness the
Dalai Lama said in his book “ The Universe in a Single Atom”. According to the
theory of emptiness, any belief in an objective reality grounded in the
assumption of intrinsic, independent existence is untenable. Which I called
nothing existed as it appeared. This space is not a flat; it is distorted, or
curved, by the matter and energy in it. We observe this curvature in the
bending of the light or radio waves that travel near the sun on their way to
us. In case of light passing near the sun, the bending is very small. However,
if the sun were to shrink until it was only a few miles across, the bending
would be so great that light leaving the sun would not get away but would be
dragged back by the sun's gravitational field. According to the theory of
relativity, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, so there would
be a region from which it would be impossible for anything to escape. The
region is called Black Hole. Its boundary is called the Event Horizon. It is
formed by the light that just fails to get away from the black hole but stays
hovering on the edge.
It might sound ridiculous to suggest that the
sun could shrink to being only a few miles across. One might think that matter
could not be compressed that far. But it turns out that it can. The sun is so
hot. It is burning hydrogen into helium, like a controlled H-bomb. The heat
released in this process generates a pressure that enables the sun to resist
the attraction of its own gravity, which is trying to make it smaller.
Eventually! However, the sun will run out of nuclear fuel. This will not happen
for about another five billion years, so there's no great hurry to book your
flight to another star 😅😅😅 calm down and enjoy
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