    “Two revolutions and Tibetan resilience”                                                                                                             -Som                               (Culture revolution and Tibetan peace revolution 2008) My grandmother's untold story of the Cultural Revolution in Tibet was shocking, extreme, and unbearable. She narrated her tragic story with tears in her eyes and a pale facial expression. She had experienced a real hell on earth and never saw any ray of hope in her future life at that time. The revolution was generally considered...

A Nightmare


The dark night

I shatter my excruciating pain

The painful nightmare

Whistling of wild wind

And the sound of the soothing spirit

Frequently Deafening

Ancient archaic



The dark night

Untold story of snow

Pouring here and freezing there

An awful arrhythmia

With the whistling of majestic trees

Deeply sucked the tiny ears

Chilling and Frighten



The dark night

I was sitting on the rooftop of my rented room

Of Course!

Not my permanent address

Trying to count the visible stars

Thinking about the space velocity and frictionless

The phenomenon of holding time and time machine

But my ratiocination is still miles apart.





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